Thursday, February 19, 2009

Diet : Bad Food

Bad Food
by Michael Messner

"In this day and age of heart disease, we all need to be careful. Did you know
that 50% of men will die from heart disease? It is sad, but true. It is
important that you watch what you eat. Not only if you are a body builder, but
even if you aren't one. All of us should be concerned about our diet and our
health. Take some notes and make sure that you pay attention. I'm sure there
will be a few items on this list that you never dreamed were bad for you.. Solid
oils. You know what these are. Stuff like Crisco and other shortening.
I think that some people use them in place of lard and actually think it is
better for them. If you are making a pie crust or something, skip the shortening
and use the lard. Actually, the lard is better for you. People tend to use this
kind of fat because it has a long shelf life. This stuff will stay good for
ever. Personally, I hate the stuff. I can't see why anyone would like it. I
think it tastes awful and it feels awful in my mouth.

Deep fried foods. You should avoid these like the plague. It is said that when
something is deep fried, its DNA changes. I don't know how true this is. I do
know that deep fried foods have been linked to cancer.

Refined flour and store bought flour. This has been bleached and everything
under the sun done to it. When this happens, all the good stuff from it is taken
away. The reason why you are eating is, is been stolen from you. Stick with good
whole wheat. That is what is best for you.

White rice. I would piss off most of the world if I said that you should never
ever eat this stuff. Though, I have to say that brown rice is better for you.
Brown rice has all the stuff white does and more. You can mix brown with white
if you still aren't used to eating the brown rice.

Sugar. This is a no brainer really. You should try to consume as little as you
possibly have to. Also, fructose is a building block for cholesterol. Keep that
in mind when you have your next can of soda.

Canned soups. These are almost always loaded with salt. If you want to buy
these, make sure you get ones that are low in salt. If you have a craving for
soup, see if your local deli makes soup. It will be lower in salt. That will
make your heart happy.

Alfredo sauces. Don't buy items with already made Alfredo sauce. Usally they are
loaded with butter and salt. You don't want any of that.
Processed meats. These tend to be high in fat and high in salt. They are a heart
attack in a can.

Hydrogenated palm oils. Avoid anything that is made with these. These will give
you a heart attack faster than eating a bucket of lard.
Lunchables and other items like them. They are loaded with salt and fat. I can't
believe any parent would give this junk to their kids.
What comes in, must come out. That is true with the food we eat. This might
sound like a disgusting topic, but it is something that we should talk about.
You can tell if your diet is high in fat by the stool you produce. If it sinks
straight to the bottom, you are eating too much fat. You would think that fat
would float, but it doesn't when it is coming out.

Your stool should float in the toilet bowl. If it does, it is a hint that you
have a good diet. If it doesn't, then you need to change what you are eating.
To remember this, I try to make up a little rhyme like what was heard during the
final moments of the OJ trial. If it doesn't float, you need to get off of the
boat. Meaning, if it doesn't float, you need to change your diet."