Friday, February 6, 2009

Diet : A Realistic Approach to Weight Loss

Sally has an ambitious weight-loss goal for 2005. She is planning on losing 40 pounds. In
breaking it down to monthly goals, she said she figured she'd lose four pounds a month
for 10 months and then celebrate in October. If she fell behind a little bit, she'd have two
months to catch up.

That is good thinking, but I suggested the following adjustment. Rather than an even four
pounds per month, she should plan to lose weight more realistically. For example, she
could shoot for six pounds in the first three months, five pounds for the next three, three
pounds for the next two, and the final pound in the ninth month.

That kind of approach corresponds better to how your body actually works. You'll take
off more weight in the beginning -- when your new eating and exercise programs are
having the greatest impact -- and then give yourself more time to settle into a stable
routine for the rest of your life.