Friday, February 13, 2009

FITNESS AND EXERCISE : Fitness Tips for Travelers

A few ideas that I've gathered from reading, from fellow travelers, and from trial and

• Other than a glass of wine or beer with dinner, don't drink on the plane. It will
dehydrate you, which may give you a headache. (And besides, only obnoxious,
loud people drink heavily on planes.

• Force yourself to exercise while you're away from home. Although I exercise like
crazy when I'm in my regular routine, I find it very difficult to exercise when
traveling. I've gotten better recently by making it easier. My new routine is 10
minutes of yoga movements in the morning (before showering), and 10 minutes
of Hindu squats and push ups in the early evening (before dressing for dinner). By
asking less of myself, I've been able to do more.

• Eating well is another challenge when traveling. Between the rush, the junk food
that's being pushed at you during meetings, and the tendency to have breakfast,
lunch, and dinner meetings, I tend to put on weight. The only solution I've found
is to stick to a zero-carb diet until dinner. It doesn't work all the time (it's tough to
keep saying no to those cookies), but when I fail I don't worry about it. I know I'll
take the extra pounds off right away when I get back.

• Get some sunshine. It's easy to get into a routine where you are out of the sun for a
week when traveling for business. That's not good for you. Schedule some time to get
out and walk in the sun every day.